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Christina Loren is a Certified Meteorologist with an enthusiastic passion for atmospheric science.

Blue Moon Rising Late July 2015

A blue moon is the second full moon that occurs in a single month. This lunar phenomenon generally happens every two to three years and we'll have to wait until 2018 for the next one. Typically the moon is full once every 30-days and the last full moon was July 2nd. Look up in the night sky for the next full moon or "Blue Moon" on  July 31.

Here is a picture of the 2015 blue moon setting from Palm Desert, California.

Blue Moon setting this morning over Palm Desert, California. Hope you had a chance to see it, The next blue moon will not occur until 2018. #BlueMoon #moon #astronomy #palmdesert #christinaloren #Christina #loren
A photo posted by Christina Loren (@christinaloren_meteorologist) on

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